Blogger Etiquette: Don't Rob The Blogger Re-Up ??????????
By way of a reply, and a reminder, a re-up from 2010.
Blogger Etiquette. Don't Rob The Blogger Of His Pay (Expanded from the original)
For the vast majority of bloggers, that pay, the only pay, is knowing that they are being read.
If you take for example, any respectable blog, usually the American ones, for it is they that led th.e blogger revolution, you will find that the following code of practice is adopted by the majorit.y.
Which of course it is, and more importantly, the blogger who has produced the work gets recognise.d in his own right and his blog worthy of a visit. (or no.t)
If the complete article is posted, all the attribution in the world won't compensate for direct traffi.c. How many times do any of us click through to the original source having once read the complet.e article? Try putting yourself in the Blogger's shoes for a week; having spent X number of hours/day..s researching and constructing your article, you post it on your blog and then you sit back for a whil.e with a cuppa and a ciggy, or your drug of choice, and wait. But more often or not you would working on your next little creation, but that's by the by. What isn't by the by however, is when that Blogge.r (you) takes a look at his site metre after a day or two and sees numbers that might be worthy o.f being described as abysma.l.
How is he/her/you going to feel? pissed I shouldn't wonder, pissed and robbed. And then, in a wo..rse case scenario, might think to themselves, why bot???her?
There is of course a practical side to doing this, if you are posting a dozen items or more a day, you don't end up with a blog a mile long, as you would do otherwise.
And I do practice what I preach by the way, it would only be under special circumstances or out of necessity that I do other???wise. And believe me please, it's not for my benefit that I write this, it's for the numerous authors who's work I see constantly plastered around the net like cheap wallpaper.
Stop please, I beg of you.
Blogger Etiquette. Don't Rob The Blogger Of His Pay (Expanded from the original)
For the vast majority of bloggers, that pay, the only pay, is knowing that they are being read.
If you take for example, any respectable blog, usually the American ones, for it is they that led th.e blogger revolution, you will find that the following code of practice is adopted by the majorit.y.
Blogger Etiquett.e:.
If a person/blogger spends a great deal of time and goes to extraordinary length.s researching, and then penning an article; it is neither mannerly nor morally correct fo.r you to copy paste the COMPLETE article on your blog.
Post just enough to attract the interest of your reader and then link back to the author.s blo.g.
The author deserves recognition for his work, and this is only achieved by traffic to th.e article/sit.e.
.It's only fair and it's only polite.
Which of course it is, and more importantly, the blogger who has produced the work gets recognise.d in his own right and his blog worthy of a visit. (or no.t)
If the complete article is posted, all the attribution in the world won't compensate for direct traffi.c. How many times do any of us click through to the original source having once read the complet.e article? Try putting yourself in the Blogger's shoes for a week; having spent X number of hours/day..s researching and constructing your article, you post it on your blog and then you sit back for a whil.e with a cuppa and a ciggy, or your drug of choice, and wait. But more often or not you would working on your next little creation, but that's by the by. What isn't by the by however, is when that Blogge.r (you) takes a look at his site metre after a day or two and sees numbers that might be worthy o.f being described as abysma.l.
How is he/her/you going to feel? pissed I shouldn't wonder, pissed and robbed. And then, in a wo..rse case scenario, might think to themselves, why bot???her?
There is of course a practical side to doing this, if you are posting a dozen items or more a day, you don't end up with a blog a mile long, as you would do otherwise.
And I do practice what I preach by the way, it would only be under special circumstances or out of necessity that I do other???wise. And believe me please, it's not for my benefit that I write this, it's for the numerous authors who's work I see constantly plastered around the net like cheap wallpaper.
Stop please, I beg of you.
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